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SQL Server

Archibo IT Consultancy providing robust database solutions for optimized data management and security in Germany

In the world of technology, tools and services get old over time, often they are replaced with their mightier rivals. But that is not the case with Microsoft SQL Server Database. It kept getting better, faster, safer, and simpler. Therefore, it is still famous among companies that deal with an enormous amount of data every single minute.


MySQL Illustration

What Is MySQL Database Development?

MySQL is a relational database management system, the most popular and one of the most secure databases in the field. This technology is simple but perfect. This traditional table-based system is easy to work with, it has all the necessary functionality and does not offer any excessive features. The basic knowledge of SQL is enough to understand and learn this technology.

It is perfectly suitable to face the most recent development challenges. In particular, MySQL database management system is designed to suit cloud development needs. This technology has very clear and detailed documentation, and the support community is large. This way, using MySQL for your web or mobile app, you can be sure that this technology is not going to grow outdated any time soon.


PostgreSQL Illustration

Professional Custom PostgreSQL Development for Infinitely Scalable Websites and Applications!

PostgreSQL is a highly efficient and advanced object-relational database system (ORDBMS). It helps millions of businesses across the world handle complicated workloads, manage transactions, and automate decision making.


Next-gen Custom MongoDB Development for Automatically Scalable Web Applications!

MongoDB is an open-source object-oriented NoSQL database. It is simple, scalable and provides high performance as well as it is easy to implement and use. Unlike traditional relational databases (e.g., MySQL), it uses a collection to store the data objects in separate documents. In simple terms, it stores the data in an unstructured format.

MongoDB Illustration

Custom, Open-Source Framework

The open-source custom framework gives wholesome and well-made documentation, while the installation process is easy to finish.

Flexible Architecture

The flexible character of its architecture molds well with many kinds of organizations like Expedia and The Weather Channel.
Non-Consistent Schema Data Structure
It gives you a non-strictly defined, non-consistent joins or schema. You may force the documents to use the fields and forms that make maximum sense for every application.

Developer-Friendly Documentation

Developers find it easy to study, unlike other kinds of databases, which helps you into quicker adoption and lower training time.
Data Sharding
Data sharding in MongoDB allows storing information throughout many machines to enhance the working power of large-volume databases.
High Community Support
Since this platform’s database is open-source in the core, it accelerates active involvement from the community.

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